"They are still confused in the `Hood; the guys in the `Hood all think I'm gay," he says. "But it's all good. I would think I was gay too," he laughs. "The things I wear, you're not supposed to be wearing if you're a guy. I understand the whole gay thing--its fun to me."
However, recent pictures taken of him from mediatakeout.com, shows that he was caught running naked with another man. Could this be a confirmation of his sexual preference?

bullet bullet bullet !!!.... fire pon him bombo
yooow dah man yah a did seem like one battyman from long time!!! fire fi dem tings dere star!!
why am i not surprised? He's clearly been missing off of the entertainment scene because he's been too busy wearing a thong maybe??
2 words ....bun him!!
i don't believe none of thiz.he waz all n2 gurlz at first.i heard he waz married 2 a female now he's guy.no way i will believe thiz stuff,all it iz,iz roomerz.
jah kno star dem thing dem nuh right
mi nuh surprise him did a flem a way from long time fire
Can't really tell if thats a dude in the pic with him. Anyway who gives a shit if he gay or not? The cat fuitier than a mug so I don't know why yall shocked. I mean I expect the "bun him" comments and all that but for me straight men giving a fuck what a another man do with himself is a little homo in an of itself. Mind ya biz, bun racists, bun rapist, bun pedofiles and thangs like that.
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Thank u :) check out this emo boy style at this blog:
Lmao this shot is from a movie! Haha like 5 years later! Its NOT real!
If you believe and think that way, you're clearly in denial about ole boy!
I think those pictures are fake. However, it wouldn't shock me to find out if he is gay. Did you see how he was shaking his ass in that Thong Song video? When that video came out, all I kept thinking is that he looks like a straight up bitch. What woman would sleep with a man who acts like a girl, unless she wanted money?
Upon seeing him the first time, it was a given, he was gay. In the video where his girl cheats w/ another girl in his dru hill days, he's clearly saying look at me. I still enjoy his music and as a Christian, i judge not. I look at a lot of pics in my line of work and it looks authentic to me. So what! I will pray on his future endeavours and wish him the best , oh and also for people who need to be hit over the head when someone doing everything but wearing a dress to show you they are gay. Seriously, what not gay man where's make up and arches his eyebrows?
All I can say is ladies the only thing he might want from you on a date is the other guy your dating. SMH!
Oh please everyone knows he's gay. From the clothes he wears and Blonde/Silver/Red/Blue hair. Who does that? A gay man. Having his cartledge/eyebrow/navel pierced... GAY.
Ya'll please,sisqo is not gay.He's getting more p@#..then most of you men's.....
Dunno if he's gay or not but that pic is from a scene in some dumb movie he did years ago.
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